An online SAKURA exchange program (SEP) has been held on January 6 to 8 2021 via the Zoom platform hosted by the Graduate School of Engineering, Mie University (MU). It was the first time this program was being held online due to the pandemic situation. SEP is an annual program organized together with the Department of Physics – Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Department of Physics – Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), and Research Centre for electronics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). This program aims to encourage graduate students in the Asian region with a strong interest in the field of “material in informatics and energy” to join and initiate future collaboration.
The event was attended totally by 29 participants, The graduate students from MU (15), UGM (6), ITB (6), and also young researchers from LIPI (2). UGM delegated Hillery Sucihati, Andi Marwanti P., Ni’matil Mabarroh, Caecarico Imas W., Nanang Adrianto, and Rivaldo Marcel T. During the 3 days of the program, several activities have been carried out well and smoothly. On the first day, the activity was an introduction to the first principles calculation method by Prof. Kohji Nakamura. The second day was hands-on training and practical computational exercise including Density of State (DOS) and band structure calculation by Dr. Abdul Muizz Pradipto. The third day was a symposium and introduction of schools, cultures, and areas, and discussion among graduate students and young researchers in the last session. Despite being held online system, participants were very enthusiastic in watching the cultural presentation that was being presented by a representative from each participant institution.
It was the third time UGM joining SEP. UGM certainly welcomes involvement and supports the student to join the exchange program, “of course we are happy and I always encourage students to participate in events like this to build self-confidence in facing future goals. Moreover, many students want to continue their studies especially in Japan ” said Dr. Edi Suharyadi, M.Eng. as a lecturer representative on closing program speech.