An online SAKURA exchange program (SEP) has been held on January 6 to 8 2021 via the Zoom platform hosted by the Graduate School of Engineering, Mie University (MU). It was the first time this program was being held online due to the pandemic situation. SEP is an annual program organized together with the Department of Physics – Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), Department of Physics – Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), and Research Centre for electronics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI). This program aims to encourage graduate students in the Asian region with a strong interest in the field of “material in informatics and energy” to join and initiate future collaboration.
Arsip 2021:
Kami umumkan beasiswa Master/Doctoral MEXT-2021 untuk alumni UGM (atau akan lulus: telah melakukan sidang skripsi/tesis) ke Kanazawa University, Jepang. Informasi detail dan cara pendaftaran dapat dilihat pada laman:
Salah satu syarat utama untuk mendaftar beasiswa tersebut adalah mendapatkan rekomendasi Dekan. Untuk mendapatkan rekomendasi Dekan silahkan untuk mengisi Google-form paling lambat 20 Januari 2021: