Kanazawa Unuversity – DIKTI scholarship 2020 for Lecturer:
It was our first time stepping feet in Japan. The temperature at the time was cooler than in Indonesia but not too cold for us. Our first impression of Japan was clean and organized. Japaneses manage trash seriously. There could be more than five types of trash bin in one spot. No wonder if we rarely saw trash lying around public areas. People seem to follow the norm religiously.
On the first evening, we went to the nearest supermarket with Mr. Muiz, a postdoc at Mie University. We were so excited, even though we were already tired after a long flight. After walking 1 km, we could finally see Donki, the supermarket we wanted to go in to, across the road. The road at the time was very quiet. But instead of crossing the road, Mr. Muiz pointed that the zebra cross is 500 meters away. We’re glad that we learned that early. That was so much different than what we used to in Indonesia: follow the fastest route.
Diumumkan bagi Mahasiswa Program Studi S2 Fisika dan Program Studi S2 Kimia, dapat mengajukan pendaftaran untuk “Program NAIST Internship 2019”. Pelaksanaan Program tanggal 4 – 20 Desember 2019. Informasi lebih lengkap dapat di lihat di website oia.mipa.ugm.ac.id.
Syarat pendaftaran :
[Scholarship offered]
The International Summer Course 2019 will be organized by Faculty of Bioengineering and Technology (FBKT), Universiti Malaysia Kelantan at Jeli Campus and other strategic and attractive location in Kelantan. The course will be attended by participants from other countries at 14-28 July 2018 (14 days). The program offers activities that will take away from the classroom and give a chance to spend time with fellow students while exploring the local area.
The aims of this course are to gain insight into university life in Malaysia, particularly in Kelantan, learn regarding the subjects on Campus, meet new people from all over the world and explore the city and real culture of Malay Heritage. Thus, this course divided into four modules which are Biotechnology, Bioresource, Biomaterials, and a Living Heritage and Nature Exploration.